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JULY 2019

Jeremy spent a month on his residency working on botanical photograms that require a portable darkroom that he has set up outside the residency house. He spent his days wandering the property and venturing to the nearby towns exploring looking for artifacts and natural objects to integrate into the pieces. He is experimenting with various light sources, light quality and development processes engaging in embracing the happy accidents that arise such as drops caused by sweat from being inside his darkroom tent or squiggle lines caused by tiny light holes in the tent. At the culmination of his residency, he shared that he had made more than 120 images that would have possibly taken him years to do in a normal life routine. He also had a creative breakthrough with his experimental portable darkroom and created his best piece in the 10 years of pursuing this creative path. Congratulations to Jeremy on his progress and the eventual solo exhibit he created with the work from this and his second residency of the summer.

For more about Jeremy, check out his info.

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